SOS cared for 81 children in the village in 2021. From our inception in January 1993, SOS has served a total of 1050 children.
MEDICAL SERVICES: In 2021, there were a total of 392 medical appointments, with a combination of virtual and face to face due to COVID-19.175 of these appointments were with Pediatricians, 89 with Dentists, 36 with eye doctors, 18 with Psychiatrists, and 74 of these appointments were with specialists (doctors other than Pediatricians, Dentists, or eye doctors).
CASE MANAGEMENT SERVICES: Florida Certified Child Welfare Dependency Case Managers were responsible for providing services for 81 children and their families. Once children are reunified, adopted, or placed with a relative/non-relative, SOS Dependency Case Managers continue to provide support to the families until the Courts close the case. In 2021, there were a total of 4 family cases, with a total of 8 children closed out by the courts, and who no longer need additional supervision by SOS Dependency Case Managers. During 2021, Case Management expanded to include additional positions to continue to provide quality services to the children and families served by SOS.

TRANSITIONAL INDEPENDENT LIVING/NEXT STEPS PROGRAM: In 2021, there were 149 young adults in the NEXT STEPS program, serving young adults in the community who aged out of the foster care system and/or have had some type of dependency involvement. At the end of year, of the 149 young adults, 108 were employed, 13 were in post-secondary school, 28 were in school and working. The number of young adults served in the NEXT STEPS program includes young adults who have never lived at SOS and need additional support from a Life Coach, and young adults who have once lived at SOS and have aged out of foster care.
CHILDNET MONITORING/ LICENSING: In December 2021, DCF conducted 2 re-licensure audits; a CPA (Child Placing Agency) and CCA (Child Caring Agency) audit. Each license is valid for one year. ChildNet also conducted 2 Reviews with a random sample, both audits resulted with high ratings. Additionally, SOS completed the re-licensure for the foster homes and the license is valid for one year for each foster parent. In December 2021, SOS fully transitioned to traditional foster homes, and we no longer have group homes. All homes are traditional foster homes with a live-in licensed foster parent.
ACCREDITATION: SOS was reaccredited by COA through May 31st, 2023.

- Goal: 75% of the children will improve or maintain their academic level. Result: 92% attained this goal.
- Goal: 75% of the children will improve or maintain their independent living skills. Result: 94% attained this goal.
- Goal: 75% of the children participating in the Next STEPS Program will be enrolled in school or employed full time.Result: 93% attained this goal.
- Goal: 90% of the young adults participating in the Next STEPS Program will not be homeless.Result: 98% attained this goal.